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User testing

Learn how you can use user testing as a method to develop your products and services.

What is a user test?

A user test is simply an occasion where individuals get to test a product or service that a company has created. The purpose of user tests is to gain better insight into how actual users experience a particular product or service. By studying user behaviors and reactions, it becomes easier to identify and address any issues before the product or service is launched. User tests can be conducted to increase understanding of customer needs and behaviors, as well as to test existing or upcoming products.

The significant advantage of user testing is that the feedback comes directly from the target audience. And even though a user test may not provide as extensive feedback as a survey, the feedback is often more qualitative and precise.

Why should one conduct user tests?

In order for potential customers to choose your products or services, you must be able to meet the needs of your target audience. And they can best answer what they need. By allowing users to test a product or service and simultaneously share their experience, you can gain a better understanding of how the product/service is actually used, why certain problems arise, and how to solve them.

Start testing with real users early

If you are developing a new product or service, it is good to start testing with real users as early in the process as possible, even at the prototype stage. Problems or uncertainties discovered early are often easier to address, which will save you both time and money.

Advantages and disadvantages of user tests

There are many advantages to conducting user tests, but like many other things, there are also some disadvantages that can be good to be aware of. We list examples of both pros and cons below.


  • You get feedback directly from your target audience.
  • Uncertainties and potential problems can be addressed before the product is launched.
  • It’s easier to resolve internal debates when you see how users react to the options you’re discussing.


  • Not entirely representative of how the product functions in ‘real life’.
  • Does not provide as extensive feedback as a survey (but the feedback is often more precise and valuable).

How do you conduct a user test?

A user test can be conducted both at a physical location and remotely, meaning in a video meeting. In either case, the essence is that participants should test one of your products or services and provide feedback on the experience. You provide participants with tasks to solve during the test session, and a moderator observes how they solve the tasks and where they encounter any problems. There are also user tests without moderators.

However, the exact process may vary slightly depending on the type of user test you are conducting, more information on the different types further down the page. But here’s roughly how it works in four simple steps.

  1. Define your target audience and decide whether the test will be conducted remotely or in person. Regardless of the type of user test you are conducting, you must start by defining the target audience from which you want feedback. Also, decide whether the test will be conducted in person or remotely.
  2. Find participants who match your profile and requirements. Finding participants for a user test on your own is not always the easiest task, but here is where we can help. When you order a user test from us, we find participants who match your profile.
  3. Conduct the user test and collect feedback. Participants complete the test, either in person or remotely, with or without a moderator. You observe how they perform the tasks they have been given and collect feedback.

Most common types of user tests

There are several different types of user tests, and as a company, you need to identify which type of test will provide you with the feedback you need. Choose whether the test should be conducted in person, at a physical location, or remotely, and whether the test should be moderated or not. Below, we will go through how the different types of user tests work and the pros and cons of each type.

Moderated tests

A moderated user test conducted at a physical location has a moderator or tester present during the session who can answer questions and guide participants through the test. The advantage of a traditional moderated user test is that it is easier to control the test environment and observe users. However, there are some logistical challenges with on-site tests, both for participants and moderators.

When a moderated user test may be the best fit

  • When testing a physical product
  • If the product to be tested is in the early stages of development
  • If the number of participants is relatively small.

Moderated remote tests

A user test conducted remotely can also be moderated, meaning it has a moderator or tester present during the test session. However, unlike “regular” moderated tests, the moderator and participants are in different locations. Interaction takes place via video calls and screen sharing. Participants join the test and receive instructions and tasks digitally, either in advance or during the session, and can conduct the test on their own computers. The moderator observes participants’ behavior and collects feedback

The advantage of this type of test is that it is flexible, often attracting more participants than physical tests. The challenge is to make the technology and interaction between the moderator and participants work seamlessly.

When moderated remote tests can be suitable

  • If the participants are spread over a larger geographical area
  • When a website or software is to be tested
  • If the number of participants is relatively large.

Unmoderated remote tests

A third option is unmoderated remote user tests. This is also a remote test, but there is no moderator present during the test session. Participants receive instructions and tasks digitally, often through a program that can be downloaded to their computer. The program records participants’ behavior and reactions as they complete the tasks. One significant advantage of this type of user test is that participants can join the test and complete the tasks at their convenience. They are not tied to a physical location or dependent on a moderator.

It’s often easier to find participants for user tests conducted remotely because it’s more flexible and less time-consuming. Since you don’t need a testing facility or moderator, it’s generally a more cost-effective option. However, it may not be the best choice for a company conducting a prototype test, which often requires explanations and a bit more guidance.

When unmoderated user test may be suitable

  • When you need a large number of test participants
  • If you have a smaller budget to work with.

Tips for getting the most out of your tests

To get the most out of your user tests, there are certain things you should think about more carefully. We list our best tips below.

How to conduct a user test that provides value

Think through what you want the test to provide and set up a plan for what you will examine. To “take it as it comes” is not a good idea.

Make sure that all instructions and questions in the test are clear.

Ask open-ended questions to the participants. That way, there is a greater chance of accessing their innermost thoughts and how they experience the product or service they are testing.

Please note to conduct the test with someone to not miss anything important, if you are planning to do a moderated user test.

Customize the number of test participants based on the target audience. Five participants should be the optimal number, but it depends on how broad or narrow your target audience is. In some cases, two or three test participants may be sufficient, and in others, it may require up to 15 for the test to provide any value.

How to conduct a user test that provides value

1.Think through what you want the test to provide and set up a plan for what you will examine. To “take it as it comes” is not a good idea.

2. Make sure that all instructions and questions in the test are clear.

3. Ask open-ended questions to the participants. That way, there is a greater chance of accessing their innermost thoughts and how they experience the product or service they are testing.

4. Please note to conduct the test with someone to not miss anything important, if you are planning to do a moderated user test.

5. Customize the number of test participants based on the target audience. Five participants should be the optimal number, but it depends on how broad or narrow your target audience is. In some cases, two or three test participants may be sufficient, and in others, it may require up to 15 for the test to provide any value.

How do you find participants for user testing?

The smoothest way to find and book participants for user tests is to get help from us. We find and book participants from your desired target group for your user test. We also handle all administration and contact with the participants so that you can focus 100% on your research work.

The only thing you need to do is to specify what profile the participants should have and when the user test should take place. We ensure that the participants show up at the selected times and book new ones if anyone should have any obstacles.

Find out what it would cost to order participants for user testing

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    Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

    Hur många deltagare behöver man?
    5 användare sägs vara det optimala antalet när man gör användartester, då man efter det femte sessionen ska ha upptäckt cirka 85 procent av alla eventuella problem. Hur många deltagare just ni bör ha beror lite på hur er målgrupp ser ut, hur mycket tid ni har och hur stor er budget är.
    Ska man välja modererat eller omodererat användartest?
    Det beror på målgruppen och vilken slags produkt eller tjänst som ska testas. Båda alternativen har sina för- och nackdelar. Med ett modererat test som utförs på plats får ni bättre kontroll över testmiljön och det är ofta lättare att studera användarnas beteenden och reaktioner. Modererade och omodererade tester remote är mer flexibla, vilket innebär att det ofta är lättare att hitta deltagare. Men ni har inte lika stor kontroll på testmiljön från andra sidan skärmen, och ni får sällan samma inblick i användarnas beteenden som i ett personligt test.
    Vilka frågor ska man ställa i ett användartest?
    I ett användartest bör man ställa öppna frågor till deltagarna. Moderatorn ska hålla sig så passiv och neutral som möjligt, vilket innebär att man också ska undvika ledande frågor.
    Vad kostar det att rekrytera deltagare till ett användartest?
    Kostnaden varierar beroende på vilket slags användartest som ska utföras, hur många användare ni vill ska delta i testet och lång testsessionen är. Se vad det skulle kosta att boka in deltagare via FeedbackFrog på vår sida om Priser.