Scania is one of our recurring customers. They have used our recruiting service at FeedbackFrog several times which is of course something we are very happy about. We had a chat with Karolina Ingre, Head of Driver Solutions HMI, at Scania to get more insights on the value they get from our services.

Why did you choose FeedbackFrog as a partner for your user testing?

– We have used FeedbackFrog with success throughout the years. They have helped us to find users in a sufficient way outside our costumer range.

Why is user research important to Scania?

– Interaction design is very much about guiding the user to the right behaviour. To understand the users needs and actual behaviour in different situations, t is wise to include them in the development phase to test, verify and validate the design.

What is the best thing about FeedbackFrog service – from your point of view?

-Getting a more diverse set of test participants and take a load off the internal team from the various logistic issues connected to tests.

Get in touch with us and find out how you can create a user test with us! Contact us here